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What is angelica extract used for?

Publish Time: 2022-12-07     Origin: Site

What is angelica extract?

Angelica sinensis extract is a product extracted from the dried root of Angelica sinensis D., an umbrella plant. Commercial extracts are usually standardized to contain 0.1% ferulic acid and 0.8% ligustilide. Angelica extract is used for nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, moistening bowel and laxative, blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness and palpitations, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain due to deficiency and cold, constipation due to dryness of the intestine, rheumatism arthralgia, injury from falls, Plant extracts for carbuncle sores.

Main Ingredients of Angelica Sinensis Root Extract

Angelica extract contains volatile oil components and organic acids, mainly succinic acid, niacin, uracil, adenine, ligustilide, vitamin B12, vitamin E, sitosterol, folinic acid, butenyl phthalide , ferulic acid, etc. It is easy to recognize because of its special fragrance.

Angelica root contains volatile oil and non-volatile components. The neutral oil components in volatile oil are: Butylidene phthalide, β-Pinene, Camphene, pCymene, β-Phellandrene, Myrcene, Allo-ocimene), 6-n-butyl-cycloheptadiene-1 , 4, 2-Methyl-dodecane-5-one, Acetophenone, Chamigrene, α-Cedrene Ligustilide, n-Butyl-tetrahydrophthalide, n-Butyl-phthalide, n-Buty-lidene phthalide, Dodecanol, Bergapten, etc. It also contains other ingredients, such as: Stigmasterol, Sitosterol, Stigmasterol-D-glucoside, Tetradecanol-1, Scopletin, etc.

In addition, angelica also contains Sucrose, Fructose, Glucose; vitamin A, vitamin B12. Vitamin E; 17 kinds of amino acids and more than 20 kinds of inorganic elements such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

The Source of Angelica Keiskei Extract

Angelica is a perennial herb with purple stems, basal leaves and leaves on the lower part of the stem are ovate, 2 to 3 triprates or pinnatisect, the final lobes are ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 3-lobed, with veins and margins White fine hairs; petioles with large leaf sheaths; upper leaves of stem pinnately divided. Compound umbels; umbrella width 9-13; small involucral bracts 2-4; pedicels 12-36, densely pubescent; flowers white. Double-hanging fruit elliptic, with wings on the side edges. The flowering and fruiting period is from July to September. Angelica was born in the alpine and rainy mountainous areas, and is mainly distributed in Gansu Province in China.

Pharmacological Actions of Angelica Root Extract

1. Effect on uterine smooth muscle

Effects on isolated uteri

Fu Hua et al. reported in 1954 that Minxian County, Gansu Province contained two components that stimulated and inhibited uterine smooth muscle, and had bidirectional effects. The inhibitory components are mainly volatile oils, and the exciting components are non-volatile substances that are water-soluble or alcohol-soluble but ether-insoluble.

Various preparations such as angelica decoction, tincture, petroleum ether infusion, and water infusion mainly exhibit excitatory effects on the in vivo uterus of anesthetized dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals, such as non-pregnant, early pregnant, late pregnant and postpartum. However, the slow iv decoction, a small number of them showed inhibitory effect, and after the volatile oil was removed, the slow iv still showed obvious excitatory effect. This shows that the volatile oil of Angelica sinensis has the effect of inhibiting the uterine muscle in vivo.

Angelica decoction has an inhibitory effect on the uterine flaccidity of awake non-pregnant adult rabbits when the uterus is not pressurized; if the uterus is pressurized, it changes from irregular, weak, and short-interval contractions to regular, strong, Interval prolongation of the contraction.

2. Effects on the cardiovascular system

Perfusion experiments on isolated toad hearts showed that the volatile oil contained in Angelica decoction or roots and leaves can significantly inhibit the frequency of myocardial contraction.

Angelica water extract and ethanol extract have obvious antagonism effects on various animal arrhythmias induced by adrenaline, cardiac glycosides and barium chloride. The injection can resist the arrhythmia caused by yangjiaoglucoside and ouabain poisoning, and turn it into a normal rhythm; Angelica can also slow down the rat's heart rhythm acceleration caused by Dajinhua.

Angelica extract can significantly expand the coronary artery of isolated guinea pigs and increase coronary blood flow. 25% angelica decoction has the effect of constricting blood vessels when perfusing toad blood vessels, and 25% angelica decoction

When it is used, it has the effect of constricting blood vessels, but when the rabbit ear blood vessels are perfused, it relaxes the blood vessels.

Angelica powder 1.5g/kg has the effect of lowering blood fat in rats and rabbits with experimental hyperlipidemia, and its effect of lowering blood fat is not due to hindering the absorption of cholesterol.

3. Boost immune system

When the concentration of angelica water in the test tube is 200-500mg/ml and ferulic acid is 0.4-0.6mg/ml, it can inhibit the aggregation of rat platelets induced by ADP and collagen. The inhibition rate is 38-88%, stronger than aspirin (36%).

Angelica and its sodium ferulate have obvious antithrombotic effect.

Angelica water extract can significantly promote the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells in mice.

4. Anti-inflammatory effect

5. Nervous system depressant effect

The inhibitory effect of angelica on the central nervous system has long been reported. Japanese scholars reported that An-gelicaacutil oba Kitagalia volatile oil has sedative, hypnotic, analgesic, anesthetic and other effects.

6. Antibacterial effect

Angelica has antibacterial effects on in vitro dysentery, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, Escherichia coli, diphtheria bacillus, Vibrio cholerae and a, B hemolytic streptococci. Po This product can reduce capillary permeability in mice, external use can accelerate rabbit ear wound healing, make local hyperemia, infiltration of white blood cells and fibers, regeneration of new epithelium, hemostasis on local tissues and enhance peripheral circulation. It shows that angelica has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Clinically, it can be used for suppurative maxillary sinusitis, acute nephritis, iliac phlebitis, scleroderma and psoriasis and other diseases. The hot water extract of Angelica sinensis has obvious inhibitory effect on the acute attack of adjuvant arthritis in experimental animal models of chronic rheumatic diseases.

7. Antioxidant herbs

Whitens and moisturizes the skin, inhibits tyrosinase, and prevents the formation of melanin. The effect is better than that of kojic acid and arbutin. Accelerates black appearance, dilutes melanin, and removes accumulated pigments in the skin. The effect is better than that of hydroquinone and has no side effects. Decomposition and excretion of pigments. Freckle removal effect

Excellent aging effect, the natural DgDg link makes it have excellent permeability, restores the balance of synthetic factors in the dermis and reduces the balance of dry factors in the dermis, promotes the self-renewal mechanism of the dermis, and restores the elasticity of the skin

The unique mechanism of hair care, increases hair thickness, luster and softness, maintains volume, style and moisture, and makes hair easy to comb.

Ferulic acid in angelica is one of the active ingredients of angelica for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It can effectively inhibit the aggregation of platelets, similar to SOD activity, and eliminate superoxide free radicals at a concentration of 100 μg/mL. The concentration reaches 31.7%. The resulting dark complexion or sores have special effects.

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